I'm always up for an adventure, including when it's one that allows me to tote my camera along. I am also guilty of enjoying the vintage, old school look of things. So when a friend called me up to come along to snap a few photos of a classic car, I couldn't pass up the opportunity.
Down a dusty dirt road on an warm, sunny April evening, we rumbled along the winding path on the outskirts of town. Welcomed by warm personalities with an abundance of car stories to share, I excitedly looked around and my inner camera nerd quickly went from dormant to skipping through fields of flowers.
Little did they know how much I was internally geeking out behind my camera! While I couldn't do any of these cars justice with relaying ANY details about them, their worn bodies had stories to tell. I tried to capture some of their beauty. If we're being honest, I couldn't tell you what the year any of these beauties are - you see, my horsepower is typically of the four-legged, hay-burning variety (car peeps - I hear you rolling your eyes and maybe even letting out a sob or two).
Despite my lack of automobile knowledge and empowered by my camera, my creative mind was soaking up every minute of the excursion through the sheds and the fields of cars. It was more than a great time and hope you all enjoy filtering through some of the photos.
Thank you to the Zeleny family for letting me wander around their haven & Sean for the chance to tag along for this opportunity!