If there is one thing this family and equine photographer never tires from, it’s the gather of cattle, horses and their people! For this adventure, we grabbed our muck boots and headed to Ainsworth, Nebraska to the Ferris farm. Sheena, Andrew and their crew of kiddos greeted us warmly, even though the day was cool and the work ahead was going to be muddy!
When I say it was muddy, I mean it was definitely muddy for the 2020 Ferris Cattle Spring branding. So muddy they decided horses weren’t an option and we would be branding the calves inside one of the barn as to alleviate stress on both cattle and human. The photographer in me was as giddy as can be to document the day, and jumping in on the chance to help when I could!
But the best part was, as with most Spring brandings, the people were great. The conversations made it fun, and while we all walked away with a few extra layers, only one kiddo temporarily lost a boot in the battle with mud. The kiddos got in on the work, even mine tagged along and learned a lot! She left with a tired smile, new friends and more knowledge (& respect!) for animal agriculture. This mama considers that a win!
There is so much beauty speckled into the agricultural lifestyle of farm and ranch work, and having the chance to document the memories as a family and equine photographer is second to none! While photographing horse and rider portraits is the main thing I do, I rarely pass up the chance to photographer anything farm and ranch related.
If you're interested in having your cattle branding photographed, please reach out, via email or the contact link below. I would love to join you all as well as document your traditions!
To check out more from Ferris Cattle, head over to their Facebook page: Ferris Cattle & Trucking

Want to create imagery for your farm and ranch's social media? I offer collaborations to create professional imagery specifically for your brand! Reach out via the contact tab or the form below!